Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Laughter, admist all the money spent....or wasted.

Hillary Clinton recently asked for an increase in contributions to fund her efforts of pursuing the presidency of the United States, whether the plea helped or not we will know soon enough. Money is spent each and every day by our politicians to increase their reach and frequency of exposure to the American people. They need to reach as many people and as often as they can afford, but just enough to make us feel like their not pushing anything on us...right? The political race for the U.S. Presidency in 2008 has brought about many faces, some new and some...old. I have to admit that seeing some candidates withdraw from the race due to financial concerns within their parties spending, has been a good laugh. So in spite of the million dollars of spending that has been going on since 2007 to buy our vote, we can at least enjoy this video and tell ourselves that the money was spent on good efforts for a good cause.

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